I was so excited about making back to Trek to spin last night after week after week of illness and being out of town...it seems anyway. I had a slow leak in my front tire that had needed to be addressed for several weeks (yeah yeah, not riding enough, see previous sentence, okay?) and figured I could just re-inflate it and have it hold well enough for a 90 minute spin...and then just deal with it, um, this weekend.
Yeah, that didn't work. Couldn't get the sucker to hold air, no matter what. Changed the tube. STILL would not hold air. Why? Because the stems on the spare tubes I kept around for Eddie are, as it turns out, to short for the wheels on the new bike. Yeah...those nicer lightweight racing wheels have deeper rims. So I need to replace all my damn spares.
Anyway, at this point it was 655 (spin starts at 7) so I had to throw in the towel. Did an hour of yoga instead.
Then today I ran about 2 COLD miles, and then made up my own little W.O.D.
10 rounds of:
2 pullups
4 knees-to-elbows
8 burpees
When I'm feeling a bit stronger I think I will make it 3/5/7.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
no more sick!
I have been down with a nasty cold TWICE since 11/1. Rotten luck. Between that and Turkey Day I have missed 10 days of work since then. even MORE ROTTEN. Ending pity party now.
So today I worked out for the first time in 10 days.
Easy 2 mile run
Scaption/Scap-push/S-man plank/SA squat row to warmup
5 rounds of:
7x jumping pullups + knees to elbows
7x 65# hang cleans
So today I worked out for the first time in 10 days.
Easy 2 mile run
Scaption/Scap-push/S-man plank/SA squat row to warmup
5 rounds of:
7x jumping pullups + knees to elbows
7x 65# hang cleans
Monday, November 17, 2008
in transition
Fall season has been interesting, to say the least.
The season culminated with Treasure Island and Silverman on Nov 8 and 9. I made it to what I could before crawling home to bed, sick as a dog. By and large, our team was very successful...most participants finished their events happy and empowered. I was very proud of them. A couple wrenches fell into the works, but that's the norm. Tri is complicated enough for an experienced athlete. There are bound to be mishaps in a group of twenty-or-so newbs.
And now, onward. I've been asked (and I've agreed) to join the spring coaching staff for 2009. Looks to be a good lineup again--Dave, Denise, CJ and me so far. Waiting to hear from the others for certain. We're meeting next Monday to set the schedule as well as we can ahead of time.
In the meantime...I'm going to enjoy my Saturdays for a little while. Tuesday spin classes at Trek have started up again. I'm giving serious consideration to joining a masters' swim team to kick start my suffering athleticism and waning enthusiasm for being a cheerleader and spectator. The holidays are upon us all already--and I'm going to give it my best go to avoid picking up any extra lbs. along the way.
The season culminated with Treasure Island and Silverman on Nov 8 and 9. I made it to what I could before crawling home to bed, sick as a dog. By and large, our team was very successful...most participants finished their events happy and empowered. I was very proud of them. A couple wrenches fell into the works, but that's the norm. Tri is complicated enough for an experienced athlete. There are bound to be mishaps in a group of twenty-or-so newbs.
And now, onward. I've been asked (and I've agreed) to join the spring coaching staff for 2009. Looks to be a good lineup again--Dave, Denise, CJ and me so far. Waiting to hear from the others for certain. We're meeting next Monday to set the schedule as well as we can ahead of time.
In the meantime...I'm going to enjoy my Saturdays for a little while. Tuesday spin classes at Trek have started up again. I'm giving serious consideration to joining a masters' swim team to kick start my suffering athleticism and waning enthusiasm for being a cheerleader and spectator. The holidays are upon us all already--and I'm going to give it my best go to avoid picking up any extra lbs. along the way.
Friday, October 17, 2008
this could be love

Thanks to Quoc, our web captain this season, here is a picture of me on one of the first few rides on the new steed. Damn, I look good on that bike. And I go far faster than my current fitness level should dictate. And carbon makes a really cool sound when you coast downhill: rumblerumblerumble.... She is as yet unnamed (though distinctly female) and she far exceeds my skill set when it comes to cycling. Hey, nothing wrong with a bike I can grow into, right?
As far as Eddie...he continues to languish in my dining room, still in search of a new rider. I reposted on craigslist last night, and once again, a new hit within 24 hours. Hooray. Hopefully someone [smaller] will see hime and love him as much as I have.
Monday, October 06, 2008
the verdict is in
After all was said and done, I went back to the guys I trust and who know me best.
I picked up my lovely new Trek Madone the day before yesterday. Ouch...$$$!!! However...I am looking at it as an investment in my health. The cumulative effects of riding a bike too small for me for 2+ years were no longer worth saving the cash... Before I could go 10 miles, my back hurt and my neck hurt. My knees bothered me on climbs. After long rides my traps would be in spasm for days. I just didn't want to ride anymore, and my beautiful [little] Bianchi wasn't doing me or anyone else any good just sitting on the storage rack.
Anyway, I went out yesterday afternoon for my first ride on the new steed. Holy crap. The bike practically rides itself. I cannot WAIT to see what I can make it do when I am back in racing shape. I did not feel my neck or back even once....and the descents! Even though they were pretty mild, I still felt a huge difference. This bike just felt like it rolled lazily along, whereas the little bike always felt too fast, like I was on the verge of losing control. Only downside...on the way back in, I blew a spectacular flat on Woodside Road. Like, a hole ripped in the tire--so a new tube wasn't going to cut it. I managed to rig a MacGuyver style patch from a Fig Newton wrapper that was stable enough to get me back to home base. Headed back into the shop today...Two hard-case Race-Lite puncture resistant tires, two new tubes (running low) and a new CO2 trigger....cha-ching!!!! Oh well. What's another f#$king $100, right? :-{
Meanwhile, Fast Eddie, my lovely little Bianchi, did not even sit on craigslist for 24 hours before somebody inquired about him. I'm showing him off (and possibly saying a sad goodbye) tonight.
I picked up my lovely new Trek Madone the day before yesterday. Ouch...$$$!!! However...I am looking at it as an investment in my health. The cumulative effects of riding a bike too small for me for 2+ years were no longer worth saving the cash... Before I could go 10 miles, my back hurt and my neck hurt. My knees bothered me on climbs. After long rides my traps would be in spasm for days. I just didn't want to ride anymore, and my beautiful [little] Bianchi wasn't doing me or anyone else any good just sitting on the storage rack.
Anyway, I went out yesterday afternoon for my first ride on the new steed. Holy crap. The bike practically rides itself. I cannot WAIT to see what I can make it do when I am back in racing shape. I did not feel my neck or back even once....and the descents! Even though they were pretty mild, I still felt a huge difference. This bike just felt like it rolled lazily along, whereas the little bike always felt too fast, like I was on the verge of losing control. Only downside...on the way back in, I blew a spectacular flat on Woodside Road. Like, a hole ripped in the tire--so a new tube wasn't going to cut it. I managed to rig a MacGuyver style patch from a Fig Newton wrapper that was stable enough to get me back to home base. Headed back into the shop today...Two hard-case Race-Lite puncture resistant tires, two new tubes (running low) and a new CO2 trigger....cha-ching!!!! Oh well. What's another f#$king $100, right? :-{
Meanwhile, Fast Eddie, my lovely little Bianchi, did not even sit on craigslist for 24 hours before somebody inquired about him. I'm showing him off (and possibly saying a sad goodbye) tonight.
Friday, September 26, 2008
test ride #3
Bill called last week to let me know he gotten in a 56 WSD for me to test ride. I had some time to go in a try it out today. I walked in the shop about 1145 and immediately ran into Kelly--we had some trouble locating the bike and he ended up having to call Bill to straighten things out. Turns out he had ordered a 1.5 instead of the Madone 4.5 for me to try, just to get the fit dialed in. I don't blame him--it's a pretty weird size to be ordering a high performance bike in, just for a test ride.
Anyway, Kelly pulled the 1.5 and got me on the trainer for a quick fit. Man...a WAY taller bike than I have ever ridden! Believe it or not, after watching a few pedal revolutions he raised the seat even higher. Felt pretty good. The reach was appropriately short, but I still felt like I had to reach "downhill" to get to the hoods, so he took it upstairs and switched out the stem. Then I was ready to roll.
I headed outside and struck off in the direction of the nearest climb (not far at all). Immediately I noticed how much more upright this bike had me sitting. The ride was pretty responsive, even though it was an aluminum frame. Not very aggressive, but definitely comfy. I even felt upright in the drops. I hit the hill and shifted down (nothing remarkable there--a 1.5 is spec'd with Tiagra, YUCK), then climbed up the ~1/2 mile climb to the top. Felt pretty good--handlebars were wider than I am accustomed to. I cruised around a bit at the top, and then turned around to head down...the true test.
Descending...was pretty good! I felt stable enough that I didn't ride the brakes much at all, and I didn't have to shove my butt way behind the saddle to take pressure off the front wheel.
Despite the fact that it was an aluminum frame spec'd out with lower end components, fit-wise it was possibly the most comfortable bike I've been on.
Anyway, Kelly pulled the 1.5 and got me on the trainer for a quick fit. Man...a WAY taller bike than I have ever ridden! Believe it or not, after watching a few pedal revolutions he raised the seat even higher. Felt pretty good. The reach was appropriately short, but I still felt like I had to reach "downhill" to get to the hoods, so he took it upstairs and switched out the stem. Then I was ready to roll.
I headed outside and struck off in the direction of the nearest climb (not far at all). Immediately I noticed how much more upright this bike had me sitting. The ride was pretty responsive, even though it was an aluminum frame. Not very aggressive, but definitely comfy. I even felt upright in the drops. I hit the hill and shifted down (nothing remarkable there--a 1.5 is spec'd with Tiagra, YUCK), then climbed up the ~1/2 mile climb to the top. Felt pretty good--handlebars were wider than I am accustomed to. I cruised around a bit at the top, and then turned around to head down...the true test.
Descending...was pretty good! I felt stable enough that I didn't ride the brakes much at all, and I didn't have to shove my butt way behind the saddle to take pressure off the front wheel.
Despite the fact that it was an aluminum frame spec'd out with lower end components, fit-wise it was possibly the most comfortable bike I've been on.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Two posts in one day!
Just to keep it all straight, while it is fresh in my mind.
Test ride #1 (last weekend): Trek Madone 4.7, standard size 54. It felt weird--my first experience on a full carbon frame. I could feel definite "squishiness" which I am now informed is "vertical compliance." Definitely responsive--I could feel it jump forward when I first hopped on the pedals. Was I in love with it? I'm not sure. Bill looked me over on it pretty thoroughly and then ordered a 56cm WSD for me to try. It just came in yesterday, so I will go back Sunday and see if it sings to me.
Test ride #2 (20 minutes ago): Specialized Roubaix Expert, standard size 52. I was a bit skeptical of the smaller size at first, but it turns out that Specialized geometry is designed to set the rider in a more upright position, conducive to longer rides. I took off on this bike like a shot--it damn near jumped out from under me when I first hit the pedal. I have to admit--this is a damned sexy ride. Light, responsive, crisp shifting. A little more $$$ than the Madone--in fact, way outside my original budget. And I feel a bit guilty--sorta like I'm cheating on the Trek boys with a bike that is younger, hotter, and can go all night (day?). Hmmmmm. Maybe I should have them build/spec out something a little more upscale for me to compare the Roubaix to. Argh.
Argh. Shopping for big expensive toys is fun but it also makes me want to tear out my hair.
Test ride #1 (last weekend): Trek Madone 4.7, standard size 54. It felt weird--my first experience on a full carbon frame. I could feel definite "squishiness" which I am now informed is "vertical compliance." Definitely responsive--I could feel it jump forward when I first hopped on the pedals. Was I in love with it? I'm not sure. Bill looked me over on it pretty thoroughly and then ordered a 56cm WSD for me to try. It just came in yesterday, so I will go back Sunday and see if it sings to me.
Test ride #2 (20 minutes ago): Specialized Roubaix Expert, standard size 52. I was a bit skeptical of the smaller size at first, but it turns out that Specialized geometry is designed to set the rider in a more upright position, conducive to longer rides. I took off on this bike like a shot--it damn near jumped out from under me when I first hit the pedal. I have to admit--this is a damned sexy ride. Light, responsive, crisp shifting. A little more $$$ than the Madone--in fact, way outside my original budget. And I feel a bit guilty--sorta like I'm cheating on the Trek boys with a bike that is younger, hotter, and can go all night (day?). Hmmmmm. Maybe I should have them build/spec out something a little more upscale for me to compare the Roubaix to. Argh.
Argh. Shopping for big expensive toys is fun but it also makes me want to tear out my hair.
finally a blip on the radar...
After a busy summer, I think it's time I re-enter the blog-o-sphere...
Fall season is in full swing and I'm coaching again.
After coasting on WF long course fitness for close to a year, it's finally fizzling out and it's time to recharge to training program. I'm on an extended hiatus from training for any events and from long runs in particular. Instead I'm going to try and bring up my cycling skills a bit.
First...get back to strength training. Started a new 6 week cycle yesterday of single-leg strength and flexiblity.
SS #1: (SL squatx12 each + GH raisex12) x2
SS#2: (12/12x horizontal woodchop + 12x b.board plank) x2
SS#3: (SL HF squatx12 each + 45#GMx12) x2
and, um, ow...my butt totally hurts today. Sigh.
Second...replace my blasted tiny little bike. I must say goodbye to little Eddie. I'm having a potentially sweet ride assembled for me at Trek (turns out I am a funky size, who knew?) and in the meantime will try to test ride a few comparable bikes made by Bianchi, Specialized, Cannondale, and Felt.
Third...ride more. Yeah, need to figure that one out.
Fall season is in full swing and I'm coaching again.
After coasting on WF long course fitness for close to a year, it's finally fizzling out and it's time to recharge to training program. I'm on an extended hiatus from training for any events and from long runs in particular. Instead I'm going to try and bring up my cycling skills a bit.
First...get back to strength training. Started a new 6 week cycle yesterday of single-leg strength and flexiblity.
SS #1: (SL squatx12 each + GH raisex12) x2
SS#2: (12/12x horizontal woodchop + 12x b.board plank) x2
SS#3: (SL HF squatx12 each + 45#GMx12) x2
and, um, ow...my butt totally hurts today. Sigh.
Second...replace my blasted tiny little bike. I must say goodbye to little Eddie. I'm having a potentially sweet ride assembled for me at Trek (turns out I am a funky size, who knew?) and in the meantime will try to test ride a few comparable bikes made by Bianchi, Specialized, Cannondale, and Felt.
Third...ride more. Yeah, need to figure that one out.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
today's WOD
X-fit style ripped from Fitness Conduit.
For time:
21 box jumps
21 kettle bell swings (35#)
21 pushups
18 box jumps
18 KB swings
18 pushups
15 box jumps
15 KB swings
15 pushups
12 box jumps
12 KB swings
12 pushups
9 box jumps
9 KB swings
9 pushups
6 box jumps
6 KB swings
6 pushups
3 box jumps
3 KB swings
3 pushups
Great for blowing off a little steam in short order.
For time:
21 box jumps
21 kettle bell swings (35#)
21 pushups
18 box jumps
18 KB swings
18 pushups
15 box jumps
15 KB swings
15 pushups
12 box jumps
12 KB swings
12 pushups
9 box jumps
9 KB swings
9 pushups
6 box jumps
6 KB swings
6 pushups
3 box jumps
3 KB swings
3 pushups
Great for blowing off a little steam in short order.
Monday, June 02, 2008
At last!
I'm done coaching the spring season!
Our last team workout was Saturday morning at Redwood Shores, aka the Green Mile, for a swim and run.
Friday morning 29 members of the team are off to Maui to race King's Trail. I get my first Saturday off since February 1st!
Hooray. :-D
Of course, fall season is just around the corner--and I'm coaching again.
Our last team workout was Saturday morning at Redwood Shores, aka the Green Mile, for a swim and run.
Friday morning 29 members of the team are off to Maui to race King's Trail. I get my first Saturday off since February 1st!
Hooray. :-D
Of course, fall season is just around the corner--and I'm coaching again.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
so the countdown begins...

The buzz lately (in my head and amongst a few esteemed colleagues) has been that my beloved Eddie is too small for me. In case there was any lingering doubt, our web captain captured this shot of me last Saturday...
So. One year until I can pony up the funds to trade up...because, let's face it--Eddie IS my entry-level bike. The next one has got to be a step up.
At least maybe I'll be a bit better at descending on a bike that fits me properly...or maybe I'm just destined to go downhill like granny-in-a-skirt. But look at those shoulders! Maybe they won't hurt as often.
Friday, April 18, 2008
look at me...
Today's main set:
10 rounds for time of:
2 pull ups
4 push ups
8 kettlebell swings (16kg)
total: 11:34
...and those pull-ups were unassisted. Every one of them. I surprised myself, big time. Rawr.
10 rounds for time of:
2 pull ups
4 push ups
8 kettlebell swings (16kg)
total: 11:34
...and those pull-ups were unassisted. Every one of them. I surprised myself, big time. Rawr.
lesson learned
Never, ever let someone lean their wheel against your leg while they are inflating the tire up to 100+ psi--especially if they have just changed a tube for the first time.
For just a split second, the thought entered my head "should I have this thing leaning against my--"
Bang. Snakebite. Blew the freakin' tire right off the rim.
My ears felt like they were full of cotton for a full 10 seconds before they started ringing... and I now I have a lovely welt on the side of my leg.
Silly coach.
For just a split second, the thought entered my head "should I have this thing leaning against my--"
Bang. Snakebite. Blew the freakin' tire right off the rim.
My ears felt like they were full of cotton for a full 10 seconds before they started ringing... and I now I have a lovely welt on the side of my leg.
Silly coach.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Wildflower, take 1...
Aaah...back in the Bay after a stunningly successful Wildflower practice weekend at Lake San Antonio.
Our team met up with 2 other LLS chapters and Sv Ironteam this past weekend for their own exclusive preview of the entire course. I am so proud of ALL of them. I have no doubts now that they are all fully capable of finshing the race, barring unforseen things like flats, illness, accidents, and inclement weather. They are all certainly fit enough!
Practice weekend is always an illuminating and fun experience. It's one of the reasons I love spring team so much--everyone becomes so much closer after a couple weekends camping together out in the middle of nowhere...it's no wonder that the spring team seems to beget the lion's share of future TNT and tri addicts.
Anyway. The weekend was hot and beautiful, but surprisingly, we had very few cases of heat-related illness. It was pretty brutal out there, but everyone ended up okay.
I arrived with Christine and Caroline on Friday afternoon at about 2. I'd been hoping to get out and ride the Oly course, or at least head out backwards on the Long course and meet up with the girls getting an early ride in. Unfortunately, tent drama precluded that plan...so after getting everybody settled, it was about 430 and dinner was happening at 6. I headed out for a little solo run toward the other end of the park. I only went out for about 40 minutes, and thank goodness for that. It was HOT, and LSA is notoriously hilly, dry, and devoid of shade. Still, it felt great to just MOVE.
Friday night, all-coaches meeting. I had never fully realized just how complicated it is to run practice weekend out there. The course is so big and spread out, and the roads are rough with relentless hills. Coordinating water stops, sweeps and SAG is a big job, and I have to hand it to our head coach Dave and head captain Larry--they've got it down to a science. It's fun, but we have to be on top of things! I received my assignments: Saturday, lead the age-group (read: slower) riders out on the Oly course, Sunday lead the elite (read: intermediate) runners on the Oly course.
Saturday morning I was up at 6, ready to ride as soon as the swim was over. I was glad for my swim parka--it was COLD. We had the whole team ride down Lynch with all their transition gear to get ready for the swim at 8. The water was actually quite nice, probably between 66 and 68 degrees, though it had just turned over and was rife with algae.
After the swim, we gave people plenty of time to transition. It was starting to warm up, so I began to shed layers for the ride. We all met up so that the head coach from Orange County could outline the course for everyone. Long course peeps were off and riding at 930, and we started sending the faster Oly riders out in groups of 3 at 10am. Then all the intermediates...and finally my group. :-)
I led out and headed up Lynch. I quickly caught up to a few intermediates, including one girl having a serious meltdown. I hung with her and managed to get her a quarter mile further, but no dice. She ended up clipping out and walking the rest of the way up. I stayed with her until I had a chance to hand her off to one of her own coaches, breathed a sigh of relief, and took off to catch everyone who had passed me.
It ended up being a nice leisurely ride for the 20k out to the turnaround. I couldn't take my eyes off the scenery. The Wildflower course is one of my all-time favorite places to ride. It's beautiful and challenging. The hills are humbling, the descents exhilarating, and the flats are...well, there really are no flats. In April there are rafts of wildflowers (hence, the name) checkering the meadows along the course. The poppies are nearly fluorescent!
I reached the turnaround back up at the head of the group and settled in to watch them roll down and head back, offering a few words of encouragement, until...I fell to peer pressure. Barney, Julie, Meabon, and a couple other girls were planning to take off to Jolon and back and asked me to go....ermmmm....okay! Out to the Interlake/Jolon SAG and back, where I hung out for a while reapplying sunscreen, refilling bottles for my longer-than-anticipated ride, and cheering on the last few long coursers headed through. For a moment I toyed with the thought of following them. Just a moment, though. :-D
We headed back after about 15 minutes of slacking, and since there was no one to sweep, I opened up and spun the heaviest gear I could hold above 90. In seemingly no time at all I caught up to the newer and slower Oly riders, and so spent plenty of time zig zagging up and down hills to talk people through them. Soon I caught Caroline on her way back in, and we headed into the last SAG for one more party at the side of the road. Then back into the park and down to the lake for a nice, cold swim!
A pretty early end to the day, really--that put us back to the campground at about 2, and we were some of the last people in. The whole team spent the rest of the day cleaning up and getting hydrated...and "hydrated." In the evening we had our catered dinner and honoree speaker from the Ironteam, and then back to the campfire for an evening of swapping war stories and mischief. I even lost a [stupid] $100 bet...I crashed hard at 11pm after a long day of cooking out in the sun, riding, and, um, imbibing.
The mystical forces of Wildflower somehow ensured that I woke up at 6am feeling refreshed and hangover free. WTF? I just went with it. Most of us rolled out at pretty much the same time, and once coffee was on, set about to packing as quickly and efficiently as we could so we could get home relatively early.
At 745, we all headed down the hill as a team to meet up with the other chapters for the run. I was slated to lead the intermediate Oly runners, but since we had a lot of support on the course, I agreed to stay with Christine to help talk her through the run if she wanted. She had been doing well for the whole weekend, but she was beginning to show a few symptoms of her Crohn's flaring up and needed encouragement. After letting the long course peeps start the half marathon followed by the crazy fast Oly's, we got started on the run at about 930. Again, can I rave about how much I love this course? The run hugs the shore of the lake for about 2+ miles, and then swings away from it up a biiiiiiig, long hill that the long coursers call "the Pit."
We did pretty well--probably walked about 3/4 of the Pit and were able to get going soon after we reached the top. The next couple miles paralled the road on a dirt trail, so the surface was a little more comfy to run on. It was really starting to get warm, so we needed to stop a couple more times to let Christine's gut adjust to the environment a bit. We topped the other sizeable hill on the course fairly quickly, and then headed right for the run down Lynch.
Yeeeeahhhh...I like running down Lynch. It's a mile, but it's so steep and I'm good enough at letting inertia take me that I can probably do it in 5 minutes, maybe less. I opened up my stride and cruised past a whole bunch of people that had passed us back in the Pit. Yahoo!
Once I reached the bottom, I crossed the road (narrowly missing 2 descending cyclists--oops) and waited for Christine so we could run in to the finish together. We ran into the makeshift chute lined by a whole bunch of the team. We did it in about 1:07. I hugged Christine (ew sweaty Liz) and told her how happy I was to have her back...that last spring '07 hadn't been the same without her. We started this whole tri journey together, and it just feels wrong if one of us isn't there. We made a pact to do an Ironman together for our 40th birthdays.
After cheering (and occasionally mooning) everybody in, some of us headed down to the lake and jumped in to cool off.
Then Christine and I hopped in the Element and jetted back up north, stereo up all the way. :-D
Our team met up with 2 other LLS chapters and Sv Ironteam this past weekend for their own exclusive preview of the entire course. I am so proud of ALL of them. I have no doubts now that they are all fully capable of finshing the race, barring unforseen things like flats, illness, accidents, and inclement weather. They are all certainly fit enough!
Practice weekend is always an illuminating and fun experience. It's one of the reasons I love spring team so much--everyone becomes so much closer after a couple weekends camping together out in the middle of nowhere...it's no wonder that the spring team seems to beget the lion's share of future TNT and tri addicts.
Anyway. The weekend was hot and beautiful, but surprisingly, we had very few cases of heat-related illness. It was pretty brutal out there, but everyone ended up okay.
I arrived with Christine and Caroline on Friday afternoon at about 2. I'd been hoping to get out and ride the Oly course, or at least head out backwards on the Long course and meet up with the girls getting an early ride in. Unfortunately, tent drama precluded that plan...so after getting everybody settled, it was about 430 and dinner was happening at 6. I headed out for a little solo run toward the other end of the park. I only went out for about 40 minutes, and thank goodness for that. It was HOT, and LSA is notoriously hilly, dry, and devoid of shade. Still, it felt great to just MOVE.
Friday night, all-coaches meeting. I had never fully realized just how complicated it is to run practice weekend out there. The course is so big and spread out, and the roads are rough with relentless hills. Coordinating water stops, sweeps and SAG is a big job, and I have to hand it to our head coach Dave and head captain Larry--they've got it down to a science. It's fun, but we have to be on top of things! I received my assignments: Saturday, lead the age-group (read: slower) riders out on the Oly course, Sunday lead the elite (read: intermediate) runners on the Oly course.
Saturday morning I was up at 6, ready to ride as soon as the swim was over. I was glad for my swim parka--it was COLD. We had the whole team ride down Lynch with all their transition gear to get ready for the swim at 8. The water was actually quite nice, probably between 66 and 68 degrees, though it had just turned over and was rife with algae.
After the swim, we gave people plenty of time to transition. It was starting to warm up, so I began to shed layers for the ride. We all met up so that the head coach from Orange County could outline the course for everyone. Long course peeps were off and riding at 930, and we started sending the faster Oly riders out in groups of 3 at 10am. Then all the intermediates...and finally my group. :-)
I led out and headed up Lynch. I quickly caught up to a few intermediates, including one girl having a serious meltdown. I hung with her and managed to get her a quarter mile further, but no dice. She ended up clipping out and walking the rest of the way up. I stayed with her until I had a chance to hand her off to one of her own coaches, breathed a sigh of relief, and took off to catch everyone who had passed me.
It ended up being a nice leisurely ride for the 20k out to the turnaround. I couldn't take my eyes off the scenery. The Wildflower course is one of my all-time favorite places to ride. It's beautiful and challenging. The hills are humbling, the descents exhilarating, and the flats are...well, there really are no flats. In April there are rafts of wildflowers (hence, the name) checkering the meadows along the course. The poppies are nearly fluorescent!
I reached the turnaround back up at the head of the group and settled in to watch them roll down and head back, offering a few words of encouragement, until...I fell to peer pressure. Barney, Julie, Meabon, and a couple other girls were planning to take off to Jolon and back and asked me to go....ermmmm....okay! Out to the Interlake/Jolon SAG and back, where I hung out for a while reapplying sunscreen, refilling bottles for my longer-than-anticipated ride, and cheering on the last few long coursers headed through. For a moment I toyed with the thought of following them. Just a moment, though. :-D
We headed back after about 15 minutes of slacking, and since there was no one to sweep, I opened up and spun the heaviest gear I could hold above 90. In seemingly no time at all I caught up to the newer and slower Oly riders, and so spent plenty of time zig zagging up and down hills to talk people through them. Soon I caught Caroline on her way back in, and we headed into the last SAG for one more party at the side of the road. Then back into the park and down to the lake for a nice, cold swim!
A pretty early end to the day, really--that put us back to the campground at about 2, and we were some of the last people in. The whole team spent the rest of the day cleaning up and getting hydrated...and "hydrated." In the evening we had our catered dinner and honoree speaker from the Ironteam, and then back to the campfire for an evening of swapping war stories and mischief. I even lost a [stupid] $100 bet...I crashed hard at 11pm after a long day of cooking out in the sun, riding, and, um, imbibing.
The mystical forces of Wildflower somehow ensured that I woke up at 6am feeling refreshed and hangover free. WTF? I just went with it. Most of us rolled out at pretty much the same time, and once coffee was on, set about to packing as quickly and efficiently as we could so we could get home relatively early.
At 745, we all headed down the hill as a team to meet up with the other chapters for the run. I was slated to lead the intermediate Oly runners, but since we had a lot of support on the course, I agreed to stay with Christine to help talk her through the run if she wanted. She had been doing well for the whole weekend, but she was beginning to show a few symptoms of her Crohn's flaring up and needed encouragement. After letting the long course peeps start the half marathon followed by the crazy fast Oly's, we got started on the run at about 930. Again, can I rave about how much I love this course? The run hugs the shore of the lake for about 2+ miles, and then swings away from it up a biiiiiiig, long hill that the long coursers call "the Pit."
We did pretty well--probably walked about 3/4 of the Pit and were able to get going soon after we reached the top. The next couple miles paralled the road on a dirt trail, so the surface was a little more comfy to run on. It was really starting to get warm, so we needed to stop a couple more times to let Christine's gut adjust to the environment a bit. We topped the other sizeable hill on the course fairly quickly, and then headed right for the run down Lynch.
Yeeeeahhhh...I like running down Lynch. It's a mile, but it's so steep and I'm good enough at letting inertia take me that I can probably do it in 5 minutes, maybe less. I opened up my stride and cruised past a whole bunch of people that had passed us back in the Pit. Yahoo!
Once I reached the bottom, I crossed the road (narrowly missing 2 descending cyclists--oops) and waited for Christine so we could run in to the finish together. We ran into the makeshift chute lined by a whole bunch of the team. We did it in about 1:07. I hugged Christine (ew sweaty Liz) and told her how happy I was to have her back...that last spring '07 hadn't been the same without her. We started this whole tri journey together, and it just feels wrong if one of us isn't there. We made a pact to do an Ironman together for our 40th birthdays.
After cheering (and occasionally mooning) everybody in, some of us headed down to the lake and jumped in to cool off.
Then Christine and I hopped in the Element and jetted back up north, stereo up all the way. :-D
Monday, March 31, 2008
still got it

Wow--I had a tiring weekend! That, by the way, is a not-so-great shot from the top of Sierra Road.
Saturday was the team's Ride-n-Tie workout. A great brick for them, and fun for the coaches to watch, as partners come and do the event in costume. People always end up pushing themselves more than they previously thought possible, and they have fun doing it! Always a breakthrough day for lots of people on the team.
Anyway, instead of doing the Ride-n-Tie workout with the rest of the team, Lynn and Hayley (clad hilariously as Fook Yu and Fook Mi) and I decided to run the Lexington Dam later in the day. We met outside Blendz at 4 and struck out on the flats first, so we had a mile or so to warm up before grinding up the steep hills to the top of the dam. We tacked on a bit extra at the top by heading out toward the boathouse before finishing the loop up another steep, curse-worthy hill and then heading down the switchbacks back into Los Gatos. Not sure how far we ran--probably around 5 miles or so.
As if that weren't enough...Sunday, Lynn had a buddy ride planned. The route was to be the Sierra Loop backwards, heading up Old Calaveras and Felter Road, and then descending Sierra back into San Jose. Holy HILLS. I don't think I have ever gone up a hill that big. It was 2000+ feet of climbing and it just went on and on! On the other hand, it was a beautiful ride. Heading along the crest of the hills on Sierra was amazing--I've never climbed so high on my bike. At the top, we celebrated. The last four or five of us to round the corner (we were plagued with some mechanical issues) were treated to the sight of five bare butts in the middle of the road. The participants really got to know their mentors and captains, I tell ya. After getting a quick group shot from a passing cyclist, we headed for the descent. Descending Sierra was just about the steepest 4 miles I've ever rolled down--I happily rode my brakes all the way in. My hands and wrists sure are feeling it today!
Friday, March 07, 2008
Building a pyramid
It's week 5 of the season, and everyone is looking absolutely amazing.
Last night at track, we did a pyramid workout. This is a great component to add the build phase of a running program, and very valuable for beginners just learning the pacing associated with different rates of exertion.
This week I was paired up with Barney and we were responsible for coaching the Age group. A little background: our team has about 100 people on it, of very different fitness levels. For each sport, we encourage them to seed themselves into different groups based on their ability--beginner, intermediate, advanced and/or slow, medium, and fast. There are three racing divisions in the sport of triathlon: Age (where the masses are sorted by their age), Elite (super-fast amateurs with day jobs AND sponsors), and Pro (triathlon IS their day job). Hence, our three groupings are Age, Elite, and Pro.
Anyway, our Agers did a 200/400/600/400/200 pyramid, with the expectation that they would be running harder (read: more out of breath) as the pyramid progressed.
I have not worked much with the Agers on the track. It takes patience, because coaching Age groupers means spending a lot of time explaining, encouraging, reassuring, and reiterating. In short, it takes more, well, coaching. This is a challenge for me at times, because I work with individual clients all day long who require a lot of teaching and cueing, because it's what they pay me for. I love coaching the Pros because they know what they're doing; I can rattle off the workout, recoveries, and intensity--and they get it the first time. They know the terminology. They keep track of their own splits; I just have to call them out. Once they're off on a set I can just sit back and watch what the human body can do, which I love.
Coaching Agers, though, is rewarding in so many different ways. Often Agers didn't even know that they could run around the track once, much less that they could make a mile without stopping. Agers ask me the best, most probing questions about my training knowledge. Agers make me a better coach, and by trying my patience, a better person.
Becoming a better athlete is like building a pyramid. You have to have all the basic elements, a base, in place--tissue and joint integrity, and aerobic foundation, decent strength, and decisiveness before you can see steady improvement.
Becoming a better coach is the same. I need to be reminded occasionally of what it was like just starting out. I have to prove myself, TO myself, over and over again.
Last night at track, we did a pyramid workout. This is a great component to add the build phase of a running program, and very valuable for beginners just learning the pacing associated with different rates of exertion.
This week I was paired up with Barney and we were responsible for coaching the Age group. A little background: our team has about 100 people on it, of very different fitness levels. For each sport, we encourage them to seed themselves into different groups based on their ability--beginner, intermediate, advanced and/or slow, medium, and fast. There are three racing divisions in the sport of triathlon: Age (where the masses are sorted by their age), Elite (super-fast amateurs with day jobs AND sponsors), and Pro (triathlon IS their day job). Hence, our three groupings are Age, Elite, and Pro.
Anyway, our Agers did a 200/400/600/400/200 pyramid, with the expectation that they would be running harder (read: more out of breath) as the pyramid progressed.
I have not worked much with the Agers on the track. It takes patience, because coaching Age groupers means spending a lot of time explaining, encouraging, reassuring, and reiterating. In short, it takes more, well, coaching. This is a challenge for me at times, because I work with individual clients all day long who require a lot of teaching and cueing, because it's what they pay me for. I love coaching the Pros because they know what they're doing; I can rattle off the workout, recoveries, and intensity--and they get it the first time. They know the terminology. They keep track of their own splits; I just have to call them out. Once they're off on a set I can just sit back and watch what the human body can do, which I love.
Coaching Agers, though, is rewarding in so many different ways. Often Agers didn't even know that they could run around the track once, much less that they could make a mile without stopping. Agers ask me the best, most probing questions about my training knowledge. Agers make me a better coach, and by trying my patience, a better person.
Becoming a better athlete is like building a pyramid. You have to have all the basic elements, a base, in place--tissue and joint integrity, and aerobic foundation, decent strength, and decisiveness before you can see steady improvement.
Becoming a better coach is the same. I need to be reminded occasionally of what it was like just starting out. I have to prove myself, TO myself, over and over again.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
this week's workouts...
...were sparse following a three-day, mostly downhill backpacking trip sat, sun, and mon.
tues and wed, off.
thurs: rx'd x-fit workout: 400m followed by 50 squats, 4 rounds for time (12:44), then balance and agility with the team, 6 rounds.
friday: modified x-fit workout: max reps of DB press and pullups, 5 rounds. used 20# dumbells and medium sized band. totals were...
really died on the chest press. shaking wildly on last set. pullups are getting a lot better, though.
now, i'm trying to whip up the desire to go work out again...after freezing my butt off on the pool deck all morning. sigh...when nothing but a mug of hot chocolate and a book sounds any good to me.
tues and wed, off.
thurs: rx'd x-fit workout: 400m followed by 50 squats, 4 rounds for time (12:44), then balance and agility with the team, 6 rounds.
friday: modified x-fit workout: max reps of DB press and pullups, 5 rounds. used 20# dumbells and medium sized band. totals were...
really died on the chest press. shaking wildly on last set. pullups are getting a lot better, though.
now, i'm trying to whip up the desire to go work out again...after freezing my butt off on the pool deck all morning. sigh...when nothing but a mug of hot chocolate and a book sounds any good to me.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
and another thing...
My spin class rocks. My legs are shaky and burn-y, 1.5 hours after its end.
This past weekend, I was a lot faster on the road. A lot faster.
Go to Trek Bikes in San Jose. It's the best!
This past weekend, I was a lot faster on the road. A lot faster.
Go to Trek Bikes in San Jose. It's the best!
all about me
I haven't checked in on myself in a long while...at least not in the blog.
I have temporarily abandoned endurance training in earnest for a while. While I am coaching, it's too time-consuming. Too, I've decided that my body could benefit from an extended rest, so I am dropping the long runs and rides (mostly) for the next macrocycle or two.
For now, I'm focusing on cycling and strength training. On the side, a little bit of running and always the avid pursuit of hiking up great big hills with a pack on! :-)
Lately I've been playing around with crossfit workouts. I do some of them as posted, but I'm also writing, naming, performing, and prescribing my own based on a lot of the same principles. It amazing, I'm seeing changes already...in me and in some of my clients.
Yesterday I did 20 dips, totally unsupported. Big step for me.
Some of my goals for 2008:
Do at least one wide grip pullup
Do at least one L pullup
Do at least 5 handstand pushups
Someday, somehow...do 1 muscle-up
Become a vicious climber on the bike!
I have temporarily abandoned endurance training in earnest for a while. While I am coaching, it's too time-consuming. Too, I've decided that my body could benefit from an extended rest, so I am dropping the long runs and rides (mostly) for the next macrocycle or two.
For now, I'm focusing on cycling and strength training. On the side, a little bit of running and always the avid pursuit of hiking up great big hills with a pack on! :-)
Lately I've been playing around with crossfit workouts. I do some of them as posted, but I'm also writing, naming, performing, and prescribing my own based on a lot of the same principles. It amazing, I'm seeing changes already...in me and in some of my clients.
Yesterday I did 20 dips, totally unsupported. Big step for me.
Some of my goals for 2008:
Do at least one wide grip pullup
Do at least one L pullup
Do at least 5 handstand pushups
Someday, somehow...do 1 muscle-up
Become a vicious climber on the bike!
thus begins week 2...
Wow. Week 2 of Spring season already!
Week 1 flew by. Track practice on Thursday night was a ton of fun. About 75% of the team turned out at Foothill for a little bit of running, a little bit of strength training, a little agility, and a lot of ice-breaking!
Saturday morning we had our first swim/bike practice at Burgess. What we thought would be a logistical problem turned out to be a boon--we are now finding ourselves with ample extra time for clinics and extra strength and stretching...and a set-up that permits all riders to go out at once. This is great because it keeps the staff from getting overly split up, and makes SAG a lot easier.
Unfortunately, while we were out on our ride, we came upon a man laid out in the left turn lane who had clearly been badly injured. He was being tended to by several other cyclists and a motorist, and an ambulance was already on the way. I don't know what has become of him, but it's likely that he suffered a pretty severe head injury. It was scary and sobering, and probably upsetting for the participants that saw it. I was riding with a group of about 10 people, and once I was sure it wasn't one of ours who had gone down, I sped past everyone and shouted...
"Always wear your brain bucket!"
Week 1 flew by. Track practice on Thursday night was a ton of fun. About 75% of the team turned out at Foothill for a little bit of running, a little bit of strength training, a little agility, and a lot of ice-breaking!
Saturday morning we had our first swim/bike practice at Burgess. What we thought would be a logistical problem turned out to be a boon--we are now finding ourselves with ample extra time for clinics and extra strength and stretching...and a set-up that permits all riders to go out at once. This is great because it keeps the staff from getting overly split up, and makes SAG a lot easier.
Unfortunately, while we were out on our ride, we came upon a man laid out in the left turn lane who had clearly been badly injured. He was being tended to by several other cyclists and a motorist, and an ambulance was already on the way. I don't know what has become of him, but it's likely that he suffered a pretty severe head injury. It was scary and sobering, and probably upsetting for the participants that saw it. I was riding with a group of about 10 people, and once I was sure it wasn't one of ours who had gone down, I sped past everyone and shouted...
"Always wear your brain bucket!"
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I quit caffeine last Thursday. It's now day 8 and I'm doing pretty well. The headaches are gone and I'm sleeping better than I have in a couple years! I do crave the sweet java, though...drool... Anyway, since I felt so good today, I celebrated by doing the workout (well, most of it) that I had slated for last Thursday when my headache was too deep and clangy for me fathom such a feat.
Filthy Fifty:
50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Kettle Bell Swings (18kg)
50 Steps Walking Lunge
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press (45#)
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Ball Shots
...and the last two, which I ran out of time for and so didn't do today:
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
I was trying to finish in less than 1 hour--in time to get [marginally] cleaned up for a client. I had to modify a few things to get through them. I was surprised by which things ended up being easy and which were hard for me.
Box Jumps: no problem. I probably didn't use a big enough box. I hear I have decent hops for a white girl.
Jumping Pull-ups: Holy crap. This took forever.
KB swings: Had to break it up into two sets of 25, to keep the back from kicking in.
Walking Lunge: Burned, but easy overall. By now legs were pretty wobbly, though.
Knees to Elbows: Yow. I managed 25 from a hanging position, and then had to switch to floor jackknife.
Push Press: Unfortunately, this became 5 sets of 10 Push Jerk. Still--tough.
Back Extension: First 25 on the GH Raise, second 25 on the LB Ext.
Wall Ball Shots: There is no suitable target indoors here, and it was raining outside...so these ended up being oblique med ball wall tosses. Arms now complete jello.
And...I'm kind of glad I didn't get to the Burpees or Double Unders. I think that I might very well have puked.
Anyway. I'm not training for any endurance events now, but I am dabbling a bit in crossfit and trying to cycle and spin more. The effects are already apparent to me after about 3 weeks. My quads are looking pretty good to me! :-)
Now, about all that wine consumption...
Filthy Fifty:
50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Kettle Bell Swings (18kg)
50 Steps Walking Lunge
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press (45#)
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Ball Shots
...and the last two, which I ran out of time for and so didn't do today:
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
I was trying to finish in less than 1 hour--in time to get [marginally] cleaned up for a client. I had to modify a few things to get through them. I was surprised by which things ended up being easy and which were hard for me.
Box Jumps: no problem. I probably didn't use a big enough box. I hear I have decent hops for a white girl.
Jumping Pull-ups: Holy crap. This took forever.
KB swings: Had to break it up into two sets of 25, to keep the back from kicking in.
Walking Lunge: Burned, but easy overall. By now legs were pretty wobbly, though.
Knees to Elbows: Yow. I managed 25 from a hanging position, and then had to switch to floor jackknife.
Push Press: Unfortunately, this became 5 sets of 10 Push Jerk. Still--tough.
Back Extension: First 25 on the GH Raise, second 25 on the LB Ext.
Wall Ball Shots: There is no suitable target indoors here, and it was raining outside...so these ended up being oblique med ball wall tosses. Arms now complete jello.
And...I'm kind of glad I didn't get to the Burpees or Double Unders. I think that I might very well have puked.
Anyway. I'm not training for any endurance events now, but I am dabbling a bit in crossfit and trying to cycle and spin more. The effects are already apparent to me after about 3 weeks. My quads are looking pretty good to me! :-)
Now, about all that wine consumption...
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