Friday, December 01, 2006

day off/soon to be credentialed?

I think I'm going to slack it today. I've done well all week and I'd like to fit something long in on Saturday AND Sunday this weekend.

Wednesday I finished strong with a 45 minute spin session and some prone planks. I don't know if I was having an off day or if my abs were fatigued from Tuesday, but I couldn't a plank as long as I remember being able to in the past. So, I just did 5x30seconds.

Thursday--my last hypertrophy workout! Whoopee! No more crazy-boring gym workouts. Changed it up a bit, as we were a bit crowded last night (but gotta love it when business is good).
6x10 body-rows SS w/:
6x10 pushups
6x10 standing cable lat pulls (60#) SS w/:
6x10 DB chest press on SB (20#)
6x10 standing cobra tricep kickbacks (10#) SS w/:
6x5 bicep feeders (20# BB)

And as you can see, even when it's a boring workout, I can't help but spice it up. Hey, I've been doing this for a long time, okay?

Today....I am slacking. I don't really want to, but I've reasoned that I need a day off somewhere. It's not likely to be this weekend, and sure as heck won't be Monday. Tomorrow...maybe a long bike ride if I can get a couple of the TNT peeps out. Sunday, hopefully some surfing...if not, another bike ride or maybe a long run.

In other tri-related/career-related news: I've applied to take a Level I coaching clinic through USAT. That's right...APPLIED. Most of the time, your money is good enough to get you into a class. Not in this case. They wanted a resume and written coaching goals. The clinics fill up in 24-48 hours, so we'll see what happens. I won't find out until December 13 (two days before I might find out about Alcatraz). It's up in Bellevue, which is cool--I'd get to see my old roomie and her hubbie. This is all for a potential (and highly likely) opportunity I have to coach a new tri club starting up in the east bay. It's all in the incipient stages, and I cannot say more... Exciting, though. A new chapter my life as a superhero. ;-)

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